Ahrin's Real Life

July 5-10, 2024

Visited New Orleans, LA!

June 24-July 4, 2023

Visited Sokcho/Gyoam!

Hometown of my father...

It was nice to see my grandparents again even if they drove me slightly nuts by trying to feed me so much...

Also I saw where my dad grew up (pictured below) and someone had graffitied it!

June 15-24, 2023

Visited Busan!

Hometown of my mother...

I stayed with my grandma and I went slightly insane from the Trot Music. I don't ever wanna listen to it again!

My aunt + cousin thought that it was sad that I went out on my own to have a soju and shrimp burger at night. It was, indeed, pretty sad.

June 20, 2023

Went to Korea and got my grad pics taken (professionally).

They whitewashed and yassified me!!!

May 12, 2023

I turned 23!

I got sick so I left halfway through the day. I wasn't about to be miserable and sick at work on my birthday so I went home and slept it off. 

I tripped to clear my sinuses and watched House through the night.

I was supposed to see a show in Santa Cruz but I didn't go... 

April 29, 2023

Cherry stood on my laptop!!!

April 26, 2023

Cherry Refuses to Leave my Lap (Video not uploaded)

She growls when asked to leave!!!

April 14-17

Silver and I arrive at my parents' house. I gave him some nuggies to soothe him from the car ride in the Kia Soul.

Silver and Cherry chilling together!

Cherry stole my jacket. She only wanted it when I wore it...

I was horrendously hungover and without medication :-((

Cherry driving back with Silver, my bro, and me!

April 7

his ass should not be in the salad strainer...